Workshop Organisation
Workshop General Co-Chairs

University of Trento, Italy
@: davide [dot] brunelli [at]
Technical Programme Committee
- Davide Brunelli, Uni. Trento, Italy
- Geoff Merrett, Uni. Southampton, UK
- Pai Chou, Uni. California, Irvine, USA
- Emanuael Popovici, Uni. Cork, Ireland
- Christian Renner, Uni. Lübeck, Germany
- Paul Wright, UC Berkeley, USA
- Yogesh Ramadass, Texas Instruments, USA
- Paul Mitcheson, Imperial College London, UK
- Aravind Kailas, Uni. NC Charlotte, USA
- Alex Weddell, Uni. Southampton, UK
- Vana Jelicic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Jacopo Iannacci, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK, Italy
- James Brusey, Coventry University, UK