Call for Papers and Demos

Download the CfP
Important Dates
- Submission: Sept 24, 2021 (23:59 AOE)
- Notification: October 11, 2021
- Camera Ready: October 28, 2021
News: due to pandemic condtions, unfortunately we will *not* be repeating ENSsys at ASPLOS '22
On a happier note, congratulations to Organizer's Choice (G. Marcano) and Community Choice (M. Giordano) demo award winners!
Complementing the topics of SenSys 2021, this workshop will bring researchers together to explore the challenges, issues, and opportunities in the research, design, and engineering of energy-harvesting, energy-neutral, and intermittent sensing systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Power management concepts, algorithms and circuits for energy-harvesting sensing systems
- Hardware and software concepts, algorithms and circuits for intermittent computing
- Middleware and services supporting interoperability between zero-energy networks
- Resource management and operating system support for energy-harvesting sensing systems
- Network-wide distributed energy management (e.g. routing, adaptive duty cycling, etc.)
- Communication in intermittent-power domain
- Online measurement of energy intake and consumption
- Predicting energy intake and consumption
- Ensuring reliable operation in energy-harvesting sensor systems
- Modelling, simulation and tools for effective design of future energy harvesting sensing systems
- Architectures and standards for energy-neutral, power-neutral or intermittent sensing systems
- Internet of (battery-less) things
- Experience with real-world deployments and innovative applications
Short papers: ENSsys@SenSys solicits short paper submissions. We welcome both technical concept short papers and position short papers (target 2 pages, hard limit 3 pages including references). Short papers will receive feedback and guidance from the TPC. Authors of accepted short papers will be provided a timeslot for a brief oral presentation.
- Submit short papers via HotCRP – Be sure to chose the papers track!
Demos: ENSsys will also feature an “energy harvesting village.” This is an opportunity to showcase prior, established work (or new work!) to a new audience. Demos should submit a short (1 page, 2 if needed) abstract describing their proposed demo as well as any support resources from the venue which may be needed. Demo abstracts will be included in the ENSsys proceedings (if desired). Both in-person and virtual demos are acceptable.
- Submit demo abstracts via HotCRP – Be sure to chose the demos track!