Technical Programme
The ENSsys 2022 technical programme is shown below:
08:15 | Welcome |
08:30 | Keynote: Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Sensing for Miniaturized IoT and "Unawareable" Devices Patrick P. Mercier (University of California, San Diego) |
09:30 | Break |
10:00 | Technical session 1 - Hardware and system design (Session Chair: Bashima Islam) |
The Design of a Battery-less Wireless Condition Monitoring System for Industrial Circuit Breakers Felix Sutton | |
Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform Version 6.0 Rohan Menon, Rohit Gujarathi, Ali Saffari, Joshua R. Smith | |
Hardware to enable large-scale deployment and observation of soil microbial fuel cells John Madden, Gabriel Marcano, Stephen Taylor, Pat Pannuto, Colleen Josephson | |
11:15 | Leg stretch |
11:30 | Position session - Future perspectives (Session Chair: Geoff Merrett) |
Circularity in Energy Harvesting Computational ''Things'' [Remote] Nivedita Arora, Vikram Iyer, Hyunjoo Oh, Gregory D. Abowd, Josiah D. Hester | |
Old Dog, New Tricks: Seeking Metrics for Energy Harvesters as Sensors Nicole Tobias, Jacob Sorber | |
A Tale of Two Intermittencies Mathew L. Wymore, Henry Duwe | |
12:30 | Lunch break |
14:00 | Technical session 2 - Modeling and prediction (Session Chair: Colleen Josephson) |
Towards automated design optimization of electromagnetic energy harvesting transducers Tra Nguyen Phan, Bengt Oelmann, Sebastian Bader | |
PROGNOES: Prediction of haRvestable sOlar enerGy based on suN irradiatiOn and wEather conditions [Remote] Sayedsepehr Mosavat, Pedram Golkar, Matteo Zella, Pedro José Marrón | |
Leakage-Aware Lifetime Estimation of Battery-Free Sensor Nodes powered by Supercapacitors Hannah Brunner, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Roemer | |
15:15 | Break |
15:45 | Technical session 3 - Networking and communication (Session Chair: Przemyslaw Pawelczak) |
Multihop Networking for Intermittent Devices [Remote] Edward Longman, Mohammed El-Hajjar, Geoff V. Merrett | |
Spreading Factor Detection for low-cost Adaptive Data Rate in LoRaWAN Gateways Daniel Koch, Muhammad Osama Shahid, Bhuvana Krishnaswamy | |
LoRa Based Linear Network Applications, Design Considerations and Open Challenges: A Review [Remote] Rao Muzamal Liaqat, Philip Branch, Jason But | |
17:00 | Closing Remarks |
Keynote Speaker
Title: Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Sensing for Miniaturized IoT and "Unawareable" DevicesSpeaker: Patrick P. Mercier (University of California, San Diego)
Abstract: Wearable and IoT devices hold considerable promise to diagnose, monitor, and treat various medical conditions and/or track the real-time status of humans, industrial plants, homes, or general environments. However, most current generation devices only monitor a limited number of parameters that are, in many cases, only peripherally related to many health conditions or enterprises. Furthermore, many such devices are large, bulky, and rigid, thereby precluding seamless integration into daily life, or offer poorer-than desired battery life, requiring expensive re-charge or replacement activities. Addressing these issues requires: 1) development of new sensor technologies that provide more actionable data; 2) engineering of supporting electronic infrastructure to condition, digitize, and wirelessly communicate data in an extremely energy efficient manner; and 3) inclusion of energy harvesting solutions that will enable operation over ideally infinite time periods without having to recharge or replace batteries. This presentation will discuss emerging sensor technologies that can non-invasively monitor physiochemistry (e.g., glucose, blood alcohol concentration, and lactate), integrated circuit building blocks and architectures that make acquisition and telemetry of sensed information energy-efficient, and multi-modal energy harvesting solutions that combine power from multiple sources, including a look at biofuel-cell harvesters. Such net-zero-power operation will ultimately enable devices that are completely autonomous and invisible to the user, to the point where users are virtually unaware of their wearable devices after placement – in other words, they are “unaware-able” devices, with imaginable extensions to general IoT applications.
Biography: Patrick Mercier is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, co-founder/co-director of the Center for Wearable Sensors, and site director of the Power Management Integration Center at UC San Diego. He received his B.Sc. degree from the University of Alberta, Canada, in 2006, and the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees from MIT in 2008 and 2012, respectively. Prof. Mercier has received numerous awards, including the San Diego Engineering Council Outstanding Engineer Award in 2020, a National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Speaker in 2019, the NSF CAREER Award in 2018, the Biocom Catalyst Award in 2017, the UCSD Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award in 2016, the DARPA Young Faculty Award in 2015, the Beckman Young Investigator Award in 2015, The Hellman Fellowship Award in 2014, the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) Jack Kilby Award in 2010, amongst others. He has published over 170 peer-reviewed papers in venues such as Nature Biotechnology, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Communications, Science, ISSCC (23 papers), Advanced Science, and others. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems and the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, is a member of the ISSCC, CICC, and VLSI Technical Program Committees, and has co-edited three books: High-Density Integrated Electrocortical Neural Interfaces (Elsevier Academic Press, 2019), Power Management Integrated Circuits (CRC Press, 2016), and Ultra-Low-Power Short-Range Radios (Springer, 2015). His research interests include the design of energy-efficient mixed-signal systems, RF circuits, power converters, and sensor interfaces for wearable, medical, and mobile applications.